Independent Studies

Post my business degree (BBA), I continue deep dives into the following subject matter areas:

  1. Creativity – this journey started in the early 1980’s when a new product idea was more successful than I had imagined. My knee jerk reaction was to worry that this product might be my “15 minutes of fame.” Besides my reading, I have worked with and have had the counsel of many “creatives.”
  2. Cognitive Psychology – this journey started in the early 1990’s when I was shown that my thinking was less than perfect. Besides my reading, I have had the counsel of multiple therapists & psychologists.
  3. Narrative Psychology – this journey started in the later 1990’s when I became aware of differing narratives/beliefs that fuel our activities. Besides my reading, I have had the counsel of multiple therapists & psychologists.
  4. Writing – this journey started in 2008. In my reading, I had come to most respect those that wrote succinctly. I began to read about how to write and how to choose small powerful words. Then, I began to write for limited distribution. My Nudgits are an example of this. Most importantly (for me), l learned that many writers want to hear from their readers. Some are open to ongoing dialogue.

It may take some level of curiosity, but I can’t begin to describe how important it is to have relationships and environments where you can, “just ask questions.”